Microstrip antenna theory and design
Microstrip antenna theory and design

microstrip antenna theory and design

Tamir 20.1 Introduction The Field of a Leaky-wave Distribution Radiation-pattern Calculations The Complex-angle Plane w and Its Relation to the Leaky-wave Field Control of Aperture Distribution Determination of the Complex Wave Number k z Specific Antenna Structures 289 Problems 295 References 295 CHAPTER 21 SURFACE-WAVE Francis J.

microstrip antenna theory and design

Sletten 17.1 Importance of Reflector Antennas Types of Reflector Antennas and Their Primary Uses The Paraboloid with Source at the Focus The Wide-angle or Off-focus Characteristics of Paraboloids Techniques for Compound Primary-feed Designs Spherical Reflector Cylindrical Reflector Antennas Parabolic Torus Antennas Stepped Reflector Antennas Multiplate Antenna The Corner Reflector Antenna 96 Problems 101 References 101 xiģ Xll CONTENTS CHAPTER 18 LENS John Brown 18.1 Introduction Artificial Dielectrics Design of Homogeneous Lenses Lenses for Beam-scanning Applications Extension of Scanning Analysis Nonhomogeneous Lenses Configuration Lenses Discussion 144 Problems 145 References 149 CHAPTER 19 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TRAVELING-WAVE Alexander Hessel 19.1 Introduction Modal Properties of Uniform Traveling-wave Structures The Dispersion Relation for Shielded Waveguides Guided Waves on Planar Open Structures The Excitation Problem in Traveling-wave Structures Characteristics of Specific Guided Waves Guided Waves on Periodically Loaded Traveling-wave Structures The Brillouin Diagram and Mode Coupling in Closed Periodic Structures Guided Waves on Radiating, Periodically Loaded, Traveling-wave Structures Kinematic Properties Spectral Properties of Spatial Harmonics Guided Waves in Radiating, Periodically Loaded, Traveling-wave Structures Dynamic Properties Examples of Brillouin Diagrams of Periodically Loaded, Radiating, Travelingwave Structures 225 Appendix A: Review of Modal Formalism 235 Appendix В: The Square Root Function in the Complex k z Plane 238 Appendix C: The Transformation к г = k 0 sin w 241 Appendix D: The Spectral Representation of the Field of a Magnetic Line Source above an Inductive Surface Reactance Plane 242 Appendix E: Some Properties of the Dispersion Relation of Lossless, Planar, Periodic, Open, Traveling-wave Structures 246 Appendix F: The principal Branch of Solutions of the Dispersion Relation for SM RS at ßod = Sir 248 Problems 250 References 255Ĥ CONTENTS xiii CHAPTER 20 LEAKY-WAVE Т. Sheppard Holt 16.1 Introduction The Eikonal and the Eikonal Equation Geometrical Optics as a Zero-wavelength Approximation Fermat's Principle and Snell's Laws Phase Analysis and Phase Synthesis Power Flow in Ray Tubes Power Distribution in the Aperture Power Distribution in the Focal Region Power Distribution in the Far Field Reflection from a Conducting Surf ace Ray Collimation and Off-focus Feeding Congruences and the Equal-path-length Law Focal Surfaces General Comments on Focal Surfaces 28 Appendix A: Principal Normal Radii of Curvature, Principal Directions, Principal Planes, and Lines of Curvature 30 Appendix В: Geometrical Optics Power Flow in a Source-free, Nonconducting, Isotropic, Homogeneous Medium 31 Problems 33 References 34 CHAPTER 17 REFLECTOR С J. 2 Foreword Preface v vii CONTENTS CHAPTER 16 WAVE FRONTS, RAYS, AND FOCAL SURFACES F.

Microstrip antenna theory and design